All above written in this poem is 100% true. Is this THE PAKISTAN, our forefathers wanted for us?
Surely not.
Then what the hell we are doing for Pakistan. Making a society full of corruption, bribes, blasts, poverty, and hunger. The so called JIHAADIs are ruining the future of PAKISTAN, and we all are sitting in our homes, in our beds and just giving comments that, Pakistan has no future, Nothing can be done to improve the situation of Pakistan.
I ask you people why we are just giving comments. Why don’t we get up and play our role to give our country a better society. This country was not given to us as a gift, our forefathers struggled their whole life just get rid of the British Govt. and the HINDUS. Our history is full of sacrifices. Why we are afraid of raising voice against injustice.
One point I want to highlight is following:
In past nearly 10-12 years before, there were huge fights among SHIYA and SUNNI sects. Why these are finished? Why there is no SHIYA SUNNI fight now? Have SHIYAs changed their sect or the SUNNIs are turned into SHIYAs.
The answer to this question is only 1. These are the external factors, like America, India, Israel and other anit-pkaistan powers that are working here in Pakistan just to make us fight with out own brothers.
Now days there are blasts in every city of Pakistan. No one can grantee to come back to home alive. The war we started just to get the favor of AMERICA is now creating huge and irrecoverable problems for Pakistan. Since 9/11 the total history of the world has been changed.
First America entered in Afghanistan and completely destroyed that country. Now the turn is of PAKISTAN. The dron attacks in trbal ares. Black Water in the Capital City of Pakistan.
According to various indicators including America’s ‘Foreign Policy’ and ‘The Fund For Peace’ Failed States list 2009, Pakistan is a failed state and is among the ten top failed states, with Somalia being at number one. The following list shows the worst 20 states in the world:
1/Somalia, 2/Zimbabwe, 3/ Sudan, 4/ Chad, 5, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 6/ Iraq, 7/ Afghanistan, 8/ Central African Republic, 9/ Guinea, 10/ Pakistan, 11, Cote d’Ivoire, 12/ Haiti, 13/ Myanmar, 14/ Kenya, 15/ Nigeria, 16/ Ethiopia, 17/ North Korea, 18/ Yemen, 19/ Bangladesh, 20/ East Timor
According to this, we can easily guess what the America’s intentions are. That day is not much far when we’ll be ruled by AMERICA. If our leader didn’t think to change the way they are doing then one Day Pakistan will be totally working under AMERICA.
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